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Abstract deadline is extended until February 12th, 2025!
Call for papers

The XX Challenge

XX Challenge

Greetings space explorers! It is the year 2205 and you are on a mission to explore the distant galaxy of Graphia Galacticus, where all stars are typographically inclined twins. They are shaped like pairs of letters, numbers, and symbols.

You were scouting the solar system of Anniversaria XX, in preparation for the 20th (XX) decade anniversary of the Nonimaging Optics conference. Here, the sun is shaped like the letters “XX”, which would form the perfect backdrop for the upcoming celebration.

Unfortunately, your spacecraft encountered an unexpected crash landing on the planet San Diegum. With your communication systems down and your spaceship broken, your only hope of getting out lies in using your Nonimaginum rod - a special light-powered problem-solving device with extreme abilities to repair anything it touches.

The Anniversaria XX sun is too weak to power your Nonimaginum Rod directly. However, all hope is not lost! You were carrying a 3D printer capable of producing mirrors of arbitrary geometry, and a solar tracker capable of holding the 3D-printed mirrors. If you manage to build a concentrator to focus enough light from the Anniversaria XX star onto your Nonimaginum Rod, you can use it to repair your spaceship and return to Earth in time for the celebration.

Your 3D printer has a build volume of 1000mm by 1000mm by 1000mm. You have already calculated that the étendue on a one square meter aperture is perfectly matched to your nonimaginum rod, so an ideal optical concentrator could focus 100% of the light onto the rod. The question is: How close can you get to this fundamental limit?

The higher your efficiency, the better your Nonimaginum Rod will work, and the sooner you can return to Earth. Good luck!


Your friend suggested to print a parabola to redirect the light towards the nonimaginum rod, but a lot of the light seems to miss the rod. Could you do better? The red cube is the one square meter print volume that your design must fit within.

Competition challenge

Design the highest efficiency concentrator to focus the light from the Anniversaria XX star onto your cylindrical nonimaginum rod.

Rules and Specifications:

Build Volume Specifications

Build volume and entrance aperture specifications. The origin of the coordinate system is at the center of the bottom face (x=0, y=0, z=0). Valid coordinates are: x between -500mm and +500mm, y between -500mm and +500mm, and z between 0mm and 1000mm. However, you are able to adjust this during file upload if your design software uses another convention.

Nonimaginum Rod Specifications

Nonimaginum rod dimensions. The reference point used for positioning the rod is the center point in the middle of the volume of the rod.

Direction Cosine Distribution

In direction cosine space, the angular distribution is shaped like the letters XX, constructed from overlapping rectangles with the dimensions shown. l is direction cosine in the x-direction, and m is direction cosine in the y-direction.

Polar Angular Distribution

Angular distribution of the light displayed in polar coordinates.


The winning design will be the concentrator with the highest efficiency, as calculated in the submission portal. However, the committee may also choose to highlight other designs with interesting features or creative solutions. You can submit multiple designs to the competition if you want to explore different approaches.


  1. Design your concentrator using any Optical Design or CAD software of your choice.
  2. Export your design as an STL file or a STEP file.
  3. Upload your file on the upload page, and receive an immediate evaluation of your concentrator’s efficiency.
  4. If you are satisfied with your design, submit it for the competition.

Submission Deadline: May 4, 2025

Getting Started

To help you get started, we’ve prepared some resources for popular optical design software packages. Click on your preferred software below to get started:

Synopsys LightTools - Conference Sponsor

To get started with LightTools, choose one of these options:

Option 1: Complete Project

Download a starting template containing:

  • Ray source with the correct angular distribution
  • Model of the nonimaginum rod
  • Merit function to calculate efficiency
  • A simple example reflector to get started
Download Project Template

Option 2: Rayfile Only

Just the XX-shaped angular distribution to use in your own project

Lambda TracePro

Get started with TracePro using a rayfile for the XX-shaped angular distribution, and a model file for the Nonimaginum Rod:

Download Rayfile (.txt)

Download model for the Nonimagingum Rod (.tracepro)

Breault ASAP

Get started with ASAP using a rayfile for the XX-shaped angular distribution:

Download Rayfile (.dis)

Get started with SPEOS using a rayfile for the XX-shaped angular distribution:

Download Rayfile (.ray)
Ansys Zemax OpticStudio

Get started with Ansys Zemax OpticStudio using a rayfile for the XX-shaped angular distribution:

Download Rayfile (.sdf)

No licence?

If you don’t have access to any of the above optical design packages, that’s no problem! Use nonimaging optics-based principles to design your concentrator, make it with any CAD tool, and test it directly in the submission portal.

Python & Build123D

Build123D is a Python library for building 3D models programmatically, built on the OpenCascade CAD kernel (the same kernel we use to import STEP files in our submission portal). We will demonstrate how you can use this to create a concentrator for the competition:

We start with importing numpy and the Build123D library:

import build123d as bd
import numpy as np

Next, we will make a parabola, with a focal length of 500 mm. We do this by making a grid of x,y points, and calculating the z value for each of these points. We then use OpenCascade’s surface fitting algorithm to create a surface from these points:

f_mm = 500  # Focal length 500 millimeters
p_x = np.linspace(-500, 500, 100)
p_y = np.linspace(-500, 500, 100)
p_X, p_Y = np.meshgrid(p_x, p_y)
p_Z = 1 / (4 * f_mm) * (p_X**2 + p_Y**2)
# Combine the x, y, and z points into a 3D array:
p_pts = np.dstack((p_X, p_Y, p_Z))
# Fit a surface to the points:
parabola = bd.topology.Face.make_surface_from_array_of_points(p_pts)

To illustrate making multiple faces, we will give the nonimaginum rod a small hemispherical “cap” over it. Note that we could also have used Build123D’s built-in primitives for this, but we want to demonstrate parametric curve fitting since you may want to use more complex mathematically defined shapes in your design. We create a grid of spherical coordinates, and then convert these to a set of x,y,z points that we again fit to a surface:

h_rad = 50  # Hemisphere radius: 50mm
# Define a grid of spherical coordinates:
h_theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi/2, 100)
h_phi = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100)
h_T, h_P = np.meshgrid(h_theta, h_phi)
h_X = h_rad * np.sin(h_T) * np.cos(h_P)
h_Y = h_rad * np.sin(h_T) * np.sin(h_P)
h_Z = h_rad * np.cos(h_T)
h_Z += 500  # Place it 500 millimeters above the parabola
h_pts = np.dstack((h_X, h_Y, h_Z))
hemisphere = bd.topology.Face.make_surface_from_array_of_points(h_pts)

Finally, all we need to do is to combine the two surfaces into a compound object, and export it to a STEP file:

concentrator = bd.topology.Compound([parabola, hemisphere])
bd.export_step(concentrator, 'concentrator.step', unit=bd.Unit.MM)

The parabola with a small spherical cap over the nonimaging rod. Currently the efficiency is not great, but maybe you can improve it?

You can find the complete example code here:

If you don’t already have a Python environment that you want to use, we recommend using uv to run this code. Uv is a modern python package manager, and will take care of installing the correct version of python and the required dependencies for you. To run the script locally, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install uv from
  2. Download the script:
  3. Run the script: uv run --python 3.12
Other CAD tools

Don’t want to use Python? Here are some other CAD tools you can consider using to design your concentrator. All you need is something that can export your design to STEP or STL:

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